New to Sparx

As iron sharp­ens iron, so one person
sharp­ens another (Proverbs 27:17)


Once you have been reg­is­tered, you can access the Sparx dis­cus­sion forum through any browser, by access­ing: but you get a better expe­ri­ence by down­load­ing “Slack” for PC, Mac, Android or iOS and logging in with the email you reg­is­tered with.

Add a profile photo

Add the Sparx theme

Click on your profile (top right), then select “Edit profile” . Here you can upload a profile photo of your face.
Click on your profile (top right), then select “Pref­er­ences”

Select the “Themes” menu, and scroll to “Colors”

Click “Create a custom theme” and paste the fol­low­ing into the box:


Introduce yourself

Resources to help and guide you

Please go to the channel called “#-intro­duc­tions” and intro­duce your­self using this format:

      • Your name (What should we call you?)
      • Your role / job / posi­tion / your organ­i­sa­tion (Who do you lead?)
      • What brought you here? (How did you find out about Sparx?)

Please check out our How to page to see how to join in dis­cus­sions, save posts, direct message people, etc. 

Please read through our Sparx prin­ci­ples to be sure of our purpose, values and rules.