How to
If you are new to Sparx, please follow this link:
Once you have been registered, you can access the Sparx discussion forum through any browser, by accessing: but you get a better experience by downloading “Slack” for PC, Mac, Android or iOS and logging in with the email you registered with.
In the Sparx discussion forum there are several broad theme areas (called channels) including:
Problem solving, RAPID decision-making, group decision-making…
How it work?
In each of these channels may be many discussions…

If you would like to react to a post, hover on it and press “Like/agree,”

If you would like to react to a post, hover on it and press “Worth a look,”
If you would like to react to a post, hover on it and press “Very wise,”

If you would like to react to a post, or react with your own emoji.

If you wish to reply to a post (or add to that topic), please hover on it and press “Reply” (Reply in thread).

If you wish to save a post (maybe you wish to address it later), hover on it and press “Add to saved items.” This will add it to your personal “Saved items” (near the top of the menu bar).

To be reminded about a post after some time, hover on it, then go to “Remind me about this” and choose when.

Direct Messaging
If you:
- Want to make a suggestion about the website or discussion forum,
- Need to report mis-behaviour,
- Have a question about Sparx,
please send a “Direct Message” to “Sparx Admin.” or email [email protected]