Discussion page test
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another (Proverbs 27:17)
The vision of Sparx is to give leaders with a place to openly ask their questions, share what they have learned, encourage one another and mutually grow.
Sparx will be a community of leaders exploring how to contextualize bible-based leadership into their local culture
The Sparx community is made up of emerging leaders, keen to grow, mature leaders, with wisdom to share, and a few cross-culturals who want to learn how leadership works in this culture.
How it works:

Regular input to catalyse leadership and management discussion – “How does this work in Nepal”

Several discussions running with community members free to ask questions and start new topics.

Several discussions running with community members free to ask questions and start new topics.

Periodic webinars and face-to- face interactions.
Opportunities for individual mentoring